1783 - Mapping Listed as Gelli Gynan Hall Estate Lake with small peat island 6 acre.
1951 - Peat extraction created a small dam with a flooded area of 12 acres used for supplying water to livestock and farm sawmill.
1960 - Fishing and Duck shooting.
1970 - Several fish rearing pools below Llyn Gweryd.
1971 - 1981 Llyn Gweryd Club fishery.
1982 - Lake drained and all fish removed.
!983 - Dam and bank maintenance.
1984 - Lake naturally refilled.
1986 - Restocked with Leney Dink and Sutton Carp to 19lbs and for the past 37yrs the fish have been breeding and maturing giving us a good stock of 500+ Carp.
2016 - New owners, Mr & Mrs Smith closed the lake to give the fish a well earned rest and to start the long over due renovation works.
2017 - April the fishery reopen.
2018 - Over due bankside maintenance and facilities. 125 x 2lb brown trout introduced to help reduce the small silver fish biomass.
2019 - Old Bivvi hut renovations completed, NRW flood upgrade works completed.
2020 - 22 x New free draining gravel pegs.
2021 - 2 x Aeration units installed, Light and Wind tunnels created.
2022 - Bull Rushes thinned and Snags removed, Lake dragged. 3rd Aerator installed.
2023 - Peg 9&12 Rain social shelters, Beech trees peg renewed. Le Chameau Autumn 23 Photo Shoot and Youtube promo video
2024 - 2 x New Offa's Dyke walkers Bunk house bedrooms. Youtube channel, Peg 22 Rain social shelter with log burner. 3 New Island fish refuges. Hosted Angling Cymru Ladies & Gents team Trials.
2025 - 23rd May - Hosting, Angling Cymru Ladies Tri Nations Cup. Peg 8 Rain social shelter.